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Penang - Indian Garland Making

Garland making is a part of the Malaysian Indian culture and is commonly seen especially during festival celebrations. These colorful garlan...
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Old Classic Signboards of Penang

Take a walk down the streets of George Town, Penang and you can see all kinds of signboards and sculptures hanging infront of the shops. He...
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The growing trend of fashionable Char Koay Teow Sellers of Penang

Penang is famous for its hawker food and Char Koay Teow is one of them. These are two famous CKT sellers on Lorong Selamat in Penang. Just ...
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Surfing on Rapid Buses In Penang

On 13th May 2009, Rapid Penang launched the high speed WiFi service in two of their fleet of buses here for a trial period of three months. ...
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Wesak Day in Penang – 9th May 2009

Wishing a Happy Wesak Day to all my readers celebrating this occasion. These photos were taken on the eve, and here are some of my favorite ...
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Memory Lane of Penang

Going down the memory lane of Penang. Life was simpler back then when people do not need to travel much to buy things as vendors will come ...
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